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ABOUT : Dancing Queen is a digital animation work. The editing of the different sequences and the different graphic elements that compose it is generated in real time in a random way by the algorithm of the Resolume software. The video does not have a fixed soundtrack, yet the interaction between image and music is at the core of this piece.
Our brain is made in such a way that it permanently tries to recreate logical and rational systems, including through the manipulation of the information received by our senses. It is this cognitive bias phenomenon that the piece plays with. It is this ability to distort reality that allows the symbiosis between a series of animated images and a musical work that were never intended to "work" with each other.
Dancing Queen is broadcasted in the public space. The audience has access (via a URL or a QR code leading to the same URL) to a musical playlist provided by the artist, accessible from a smartphone or tablet.
This is when our brain's ability to alter reality comes into play. It receives the joint information of the image and music, selectively arranges them, cuts them, to keep only the visual and sound elements that match perfectly. These two ingredients feel as if they have always been made for each other and become a unified object.
It is noteworthy that the music selection is made for aesthetic reasons but firstly to offer a great rhythmic and melodic richness, multiplying de facto the probabilities of a "match" with the image.
The fact that the work is diffused in the public space gives it a particular status:
The installation offers a unique experience to every viewer. It feels tailor-made to the person contemplating it, accompanied by the soundtrack of their choice, addressed only to them and no one else.
However, the projected image is the same for everyone. It is a public and constant object that, guided by our desire for order and rationality, is transformed into an infinity of unique variables.
YEAR : 2019
TECHNIQUES : Random video stream broadcasted by Resolume
FORMAT : Animation 1080p